Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bucket List

Disclaimer= No Pity allowed!!
Having COPD has changed my life. Made me look at so many things differently. I have no time for being angry about how something is done when I think I could do it better, no time to waste a day concentrating on what is wrong in my life. No time to let a day go by without letting someone know how important they are to me. No time not to look for joy in every second of every day! Oh don't get me wrong, I have days when I want to pull covers over my head and hide from the world, but then I realize.....I have a day, I have been blessed with another 24 hours and I refuse to waste them on a negative attitude....(I have always had a thing about people who walk around like Eeyore, you know the "Woe is me" type)...they look at what is missing or wrong in each day instead of grabbing hold of every bit of happy that they can.
I have a Bucket List of sorts, little things not stuff like jumping out of an airplane or climbing the Alps. Things like spending time with my Grand kids and my family. Even starting this blog again was on my list. Things that will let myself and my family and friends know what should be important in our lives.
One thing on my list was becoming a Great Grandma.....and I am proud to say I can cross that one off the list!!!! Please meet Everly Marie...she was born 3/14/2018. Oh this Great Grandma is a happy camper and I know in my heart that her Mom Shelby and her Dad Jordan will make this little girl feel loved everyday of her life!!! So without further adieu....Please meet Miss Everly Marie and her Mom Shelby. I am thinking I do not have to tell Shelby to take each day and "Fill it to the Brim" I am pretty sure she will be.......

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